Thursday, May 19, 2016

What I have Been Doing

I could apologize audience for dropping off the map, but I don't think it would go far. I am sorry that I have not updated this blog in a long time. However, I am not sorry for being focused on other areas of my life.

Recently, I have made a decent jump into something life-changing. I have decided to pursue programming. Now, I am starting at the absolute baby steps with HTML and CSS. Those languages are nothing like what my parents do for a living. Still, it is a path that I am excited to go down. Fortunately, I have the proper motivation to learn/practice my skills, a class.

Yup, I'm in a night school sorta situation. We don't have grades but we do have homework and projects. It is a small class, only twelve of us, but is fantastic every time. I am learning so much each day and can practice during the rest of the week. I love it!

My only strife is that some of my classmates drive me a tad bit insane, some are wonderful. Fortunately for them, skyscraper windows don't open. I am being a bit cruel here; most of my classmates are artists. The do not think logically or mathematically at all. So, even HTML and CSS cause their heads to spin when concepts become mildly technical.

I also have the advantage of having a semester of programming in my pocket. It isn't much, but it is something. Regardless, the class material rocks and my teacher is very talented.

The other thing that I have been doing is completely JavaScript challenges. So, this relates directly to the class that I am currently taking. There is an advanced course called the bootcamp. I really want to take the bootcamp because it focuses more on back-end web development and programming. That is my total jam!

However, in order to take this class, five JavaScript challenges must be completed. This is done after taking a short Intro to JavaScript course on code academy. I have, just today, completed my challenges. I had a week to take the course in addition to completing them. The entire journey I had fun.

Sure, there were some moments were I couldn't understand why I was seeing a syntax error, silly semi-colons, but those moments passed quickly. Instead, I experienced long hours of learning and applying new concepts in a new language. It was awesome!!

I realize that coding is not always enjoyable, code crashes suck. However, when the code works, it is a fantastic ecstasy.

If you would like to see my final programs, please click here, they are adorable. FizzBuzz is personally my favorite.

Thank you audience for listening to me rave about coding, you may here more in the future amidst some rants too.
